Barbara Coady's Evaluation

  Because you are in the Ph.D. program I would site where you found the 20 million users fact.

  Good information on HOW TO drop you a line.

  Red font is not culturally very appealing. Now that I am here in the Far East red font is I'm use to NOT seeing red and when I see it I'm a bit nervous with it. Red writing means death in the culture I'm living in. I don't think you need to change it...just be aware of the cultural meanings especially since the place you are posting the document is on the World Wide Web.

  I like the background on your home page. I'm not too keen on the Cliff background...dots...tough to read the words with the dots.

  WOW...I didn't know you did all that. Why so many Master's degrees? I think you should place your picture with this resume.

  Graphics didn't work on your bibliography page.

  COOL background on the HCI articles page.

  "Computer-Based Training using Multimedia and Emerging Technologies" italics font is too hard too read.

  Seems as though you are saying every word is important.

  I like the animated little boxes (bullets) in front of all your choices. But these have stopped :( Not sure's probably on my end.

  I'm not so keen on your name flashing. A bit annoying.

  I really like your Eastern Standard Time clock

  Visitor count is not working

  Netscape ...created for....good info.

  Good job. I don't remember what the assignment was in her class but if I recall even close, you had to produce a HCI page...right. Not much about HCI on your web site except for the 3 sections...but inside those 3 sections there is a ton of info. Maybe make those 3 sections stand out more ... just a thought.

For further questions on this evaluation please contact Barbara Coady or e-mail coady@scis.nova.eduThank you!

"People would rather live with a problem they cannot solve than accept a solution they cannot understand." - Woolsey and Swanson (1975)