Chapman University
333 N. Glassell, Orange, California 92866, USA

Clifford R. Kettemborough, Ph.D., Core Adjunct Professor 

Faculty Home Page

Author's Background Research Interests HCI (Human Computer Interaction)

Courses Taught for Chapman University Teaching Career Wisdom Peers and Students Participation

Universities and Research References Suggestions, Comments, Feedback Important Notes

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Please drop me a line before you leave my site. You can do this by clicking on the e-mail button at the bottom of this page (leaving me an electronic mail message) or by filling out the form in my guestbook. Browse to your heart's content and most of all, "Have Fun!". Thank you for dropping by!

This site is likely to change daily. Readers, especially students are encouraged to check this site frequently. Usually, a date stamp is associated with each applicable file.

Author's Background

This section contains general information (brief resume/biography) about the author.

Author's Biography [08/12/97]
Professional Organizations [08/12/97]

Research Interests Section Index

This section contains links to research areas of interest, selected vendors and products, bibliography, definitions, glossary, white papers, articles reviews, etc.

Vendors and Products [8/12/97]
White Papers [09/02/97]
Humor [09/02/97]

HCI (Human Computer Interaction) Section Index

This is the main section of this home page that contains HCI-related links, bibliography, definitions, analysis and evaluation methods, articles review, etc.

HCI-related Links [08/12/97]
HCI Bibliography [08/12/97]
HCI Articles Review [08/12/97]

Courses Taught for Chapman University Section Index

This section contains information about courses I taught for Chapman University: syllabi, examinations, projects, students' work, etc.

General Information, Tutorials, White Papers, News, Links [09/15/97]
All Courses [09/15/97]
Computer Information Systems Courses [09/15/97]
Computer Science Courses [09/15/97]

Teaching Career Section Index

This section contains information about all courses and schools the author taught for over the years:  

Courses Taught (Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Information Systems, Business and Management) [11/09/99]
Universities or Colleges Grouping [08/20/97]
General Grouping [08/20/97]

Wisdom Section Index

This section contains a series of items that can be generally classified as "wisdom" that author gathered over the years of life experience:

Murphy's Laws [08/20/97]
Famous Sayings [08/20/97]
List of Professional Magazines [08/20/97]
List of Famous Mathematicians [08/20/97]
History of Computers [08/20/97]
Comprehensive History of Computers and Internet [12/08/99]

Peers and Students Participation

This section contains links to faculty peers and students home pages. To review their comments or visit their home page, please click on the following available entries:

Faculty Peers [08/12/97]
Students [08/12/97

Universities and Research References

This section contains information about various universities and research in general.

Universities [08/12/97]
Research [08/12/97]
Publishers [08/12/97]
Search Engines [08/12/97]

Suggestions, Comments, Feedback

For more information, or if you have comments, suggestions and/or feedback to this home page please contact:

Sign My Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld View My Guestbook

Clifford R. Kettemborough

Send comments on this web site to Cliff Kettemborough. Last modified 9/15/97.  

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1.    The ideas, opinions or conclusions expressed herein and subsequent pages (but not on the outside links) are merely those of the author (most cases my own) and do not in any way represent the policy or opinion of the university or any other institution I (or the author) am (is) associated with.
2.    Most of the material found herein and subsequent pages (but not on the outside links) is copyright protected.  Any form of plagiarism may be legally pursued.  Permission to use such material should be obtained from the author.
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