Human-Computer Interaction Articles

  Balasubramanian, V., Ma, B. M., & Yoo, J. (1995). A Systematic Approach to Designing a WWW Application. Communcations of the ACM, 38(8), 47-48.

  Bannon, l., Cypher, A., Greenspan, S., & Monty, M. L. (1983). Evaluation and Analysis of User's Activity Organization. In User Centered System Design: Papers for the CHI '83 Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems. (pp. 1-4). La Jolla, CA: University of California, San Diego, Institute for Cognitive Science.

  Brown, T. C. (1996). Web Site Development Hints. [On-line]. Available http:

  Callaway, E. (1995). The Web is a Different World for GUI Design: Interactive Internet Interfaces Demand a Different Set of GUI Programming Skills. PC Week, 12(45), 26.

  Carroll, J. M., & Olson, J. R. (Eds.). (1987). Mental Models in Human-Computer Interaction: Research Issues about What the User of Software Knows. Washington, District of Columbia: National Academy Press.

  Chiquito, A. B. (1995). Metacognitive Learning Techniques in the User Interface: Advance Organizers and Captioning. Computers and the Humanities, 28, 211-223.

  Garg, P. K., & Scacchi, W. (1989, Fall). ISHYS: Designing an Intelligent Software Hypertext System. IEEE Expert, 52-63.

  Garzotto, F., Mainetti, L., & Paolini, P. (1995). Hypermedia Design, Analysis, and Evaluation Issues. Communications of the ACM, 38(8), 74-86.

  Gavora, M. J., & Hannafin, M. (1995). Perspectives on the Design of Human-Computer Interactions: Issues and Implications. Instructional Science, 22, 445-477.

  Gentner, D. R., & Grudin, J. (1996). Design Models for Computer-Human Interfaces. Computer, 29(6), 28-35.

  Guidon, J., & Pierre, S. (1995), Hypertext and Hypermedia for the Production and Utilization of Interactive and Distributed Documents. Telematics and Informatics, 12(2), 111-123.

  Haag, B. B., & Grabowski, B. L. (1995, March-April). The Design of CD-I: Incorporating Instructional Design Principles. Educational Technology, 36-39.

  Hancock-Beaulieu, M., Fieldhouse, M., & Do, T. (1995). An Evaluation of Interactive Query Expansion in an Online Library Catalogue With a Graphical User Interface. Journal of Documentation, 51(3), 225-243.

  Haselkorn, M. P. (1989). From Online Documentation to Intuitive Interfaces: Technical Communicators Join the Design Team. Journal of Technical Writing and Communication, 19(4), 357- 370.

  Isakowitz, T., Stohr, E. A., & Balasubramanian, P. (1995). RMM: A Methodology for Structured Hypermedia Design. Communications of the ACM, 38(8), 34-44.

  Jones, M. G. (1995). Visuals for Information Access: A New Philosophy for Screen and Interface Design. Imagery and Visual Literacy: Selected Readings from the Annual Conference of the International Visual Literacy Association (pp. 264-272). Tempe, Arizona.

  Jones, M. G., Farquhar, J. D., & Surry, D. W. (1995, July- August). Using Metacognitive Theories to Design User Interfaces for Computer-Based Learning. Educational Technology, 12-22.

  Koneman, P. A., & Jonassen, D. H. (1994). Hypertext Interface Design and Structural Knowledge Acquisition. Proceedings of Selected Research and Development Presentations at the 1994 National Convention of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 349-356). Nashville, TN: Association for Educational Communications and Technology.

  Kuiper, S. (1994). Impact of Computer-User Interface on Document Quality. The Journal of Business Communication, 31(2), 125-135.

  Livingston, L. A., Sandals, L. H., & Vickers, J. N. (1992). Monitoring the Effect of Color on Performance in an Instructional Gaming Environment Through an Analysis of Eye Movement Behaviors. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 25(2), 233-242.

  Looi, C., Chay, J., Chew, L., & Chan, K. (1994). Study of Button Theory in Structuring Human-Computer Interaction in a Multimedia System. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 94--World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 349-354.

  Lundeen, R. (1982, December). Improving Readability. Creative Computing, 254-255.

  Marshall, C. C., & Shipman, F. M. III. (1995). Spatial Hypertext: Designing for Change. Communications of the ACM, 38(8), 88-97.

  McGraw, K. L. (1995). Performer-centric Interface Design. Performance and Instruction, 34(4), 21-29.

  McGreal, R. (1994). Pedagogical Screen Design Principles for Graphics in Teleconferencing. Education at a Distance Journal, 8(2), J10-J14.

  Nanard, J., & Nanard, M. (1995). Hypertext Design Environments and the Hypertext Design Process. Communications of the ACM, 38(8), 49-56.

  Nielson, J. (1995). Home Page Horrors. PC Week [On-line], 12(45). Available http:

  Nielson, J. (1996). top Ten Mistakes in Web Design. [On- line]. Available http:

  Norman, D. A. (1983). Design Principles for Human-Computer Interfaces. In User Centered System Design: Papers for the CHI '83 Conference on Human Factors in Computer Systems. (pp. 15-21). La Jolla, CA: University of California, San Diego, Institute for Cognitive Science.

  Norman, D. A. (1984). Stages and Levels in Human-Computer Interaction. In User Centered System Design, Part II: Collected Papers from the UCSD HMI Project. (pp. 5-16). La Jolla, CA: University of California, San Diego, Institute for Cognitive Science.

  Rath, A., & Brown, D. E. (1995). Conceptions of Human- Computer Interaction: A Model for Understanding Student Errors. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 12(4), 395-409.

  Recker, M. M. (1994). A Methodology for Analyzing Students' Interactions within Educational Hypertext. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 94--World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 474-479.

  Rosenfeld, L. (1995). Site Blueprints: The Key to Good Web Hygiene. Web Review. [On-line]. Available http:

  Soloway, E., & Pryor, A. (1996). The Next generation in Human-Computer Interaction. Communications of the ACM, 39(4), 16- 18.

  Stanley, R. (1994, December). Steps, Roads, Funnels, Galaxies: Metaphors for Designing Interactive Presentations. T.H.E. Journal, 57-61.

  Steinberg, L. S., & Gitomer, D. H. (1992). Cognitive Task Analysis, Interface Design, and Technical Troubleshooting (Rep. No: ETS-RR-92-73). Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service.

  Thomas, P., & Macredie, R. (1994). Games and the Design of Human-Computer Interfaces. Educational and Training Technology International, 32(2), 134-142.

  Thuring, M., Hanneman, J., & Haake, J. M. (1995), Hypermedia and Cognition: Designing for Comprehension. Communications of the ACM, 38(8), 57-66.

  Traub, S. (1996). Designing for Multiple Browsers Without Being Bland. [On-line]. Available http:

  Weller, H. G., & Hartson, H. R. (1992). Metaphors for the Nature of Human-Computer Interaction in an Empowering Environment: Interaction Style Influences the Manner of Human Accomplishment. Computers in Human Behavior, 8, 313-333.

  Werbach, K. (1996, September 20). The Development of HTML. [Online]. Available http:

  Wilson, E. (1994). A User-Adaptive Interface for Computer Assisted Language Learning. Proceedings of ED-MEDIA 94--World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 571-576.

"Documentation [Latin documentum "warning"] 1. The promised literature that fails to arrive with the supporting hardware. 2. A single, illegible, photocopied page of proprietary caveats and suggested infractions. 3. The detailed, unindexed description of a superseded package. - S. Kelly-Bootle The Devil’s DP Dictionary